Maggie Kubley.


Edited by Nada Abdelrahim

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Wanting what I have. One of my biggest nightmares is where I achieve all I’ve ever wanted and yet I’m still not happy because I’m always wanting more.

What is your motto?
Hmmm--that’s hard! I don’t know that I have one....“stay in your lane,” maybe? I think a lot about staying in my own lane, doing what only I can do, instead of trying to be like other people that I think are cooler than me/more creative than me/etc.

What is your current state of mind?
I’ve been meditating on “patience”--how it can benefit both myself and those around me.

How would you like to die?
In my sleep, out of the blue, when I am very old.

What is it that you love most about what you do?
I love when people tell me about how my art said things that they’ve been wanting to say but couldn’t quite find the words for--that’s always one of my biggest goals as an artist. And also performing. Because performing is better than sex.

If you could have a conversation with anybody (alive or dead), who would it be?
I realized that there are a lot of really wonderful/smart/funny dead people but I’d just like to hang out with all of my grandparents again.

When did you realize that you wanted to be a creative?
I never really realized it, it just always seemed like being an artist was what I was born to do. I never even considered another life path. I’ve tried, but I can’t find one. As of yet.

What motivates you?
The knowledge that we will all die someday.

What do you love about being a woman?
Our intuition, our strength, being soft and strong at the same time, our incredible bodies.

What is your experience of being a woman, while also being a creative?
Much of my creative life has been spent working side by side with other creative women--I’m blessed. Being a female-identifying artist is hard--there are a lot of people out there who want to take advantage of you, make money off of you, and shit all over you but then steal your ideas. The older I get, the more I rely on my female friends. I was socialized to be extremely polite and “easy going” so it’s always been hard for me to ask for what I deserve. I rely on the women in my life to push me to ask for more!

I’ve been meditating on “patience”—how it can benefit both myself and those around me.

Victoria Lee.


Morgan Johnson.